Deca is originally the brand name for organons version Nadrolone Decanoate.
The compound is contained in many generic products,athletes connect this sustance to Deca Durabolin.It is the most commonly used injectable steroid .Deca causes the muscle cells to restore more nitrogen,so we have a positive nitrogen balance which means more muscle grow.
The high anabolic effect of Deca is linked to a moderately androgenic component ,so that a very good gain in muscle mass and strength is achieved.Deca has a very low rate of aromatization only 20% than the rate of testosterone .Most users notice some water retention not as much as testosterones but which in higher doses gives a smooth appearance.Because its stores water in the connective tissues,it temporally ceases or even cure existing pain in joint athletes who complain about pain in the shoulder,elbow,knee can now enjoy pain free workouts.Deca can be used for bulking and cutting.
Strength gains 7/10
Muscle gains 7/10
Fat los 1/10
Side effects 3/10
Keeping gains 8/10
Bulk cycle with Deca
weeks 1-10 400mg Deca (200mg Monday-200mg Thursday)
weeks 1-12 500mg Sustanon(250mg Monday-250mg Thursday)
Weeks 4-8 HCG (250ius twice a week)
Weeks 14-17 20mg Nolvadex (day)
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