Half life-4-6 hours
Trading name-Anabol-naposim
Dianabol is the most popular oral steroid for many years.
It is know like Anabol-Dianabol-D-bol.
methandrostenolone was originally developed by John Ziegler in 1960.
D-bol as its commonly called was and is very popular among power lifters and bodybuilders because of his ability to give power and strength.
Methandrostenolone user may expect better protein synthesis,muscle grow,glycogenolysis,muscle strength.
Water retention and gyno can occur with dianabol.Dianabol is 17a-alkylated and therefor is toxik to the liver.That's Why longer cycles with methandienone are not recommended(no more than 6 weeks).Liver support during cycle is a must.(liv52-)
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